Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why Wait

 Death. It's something that comes for us all at some point, its a fact of life that no matter how hard we may try to push it away, it will always be there. waiting. waiting. Waiting is what bothers me most, not waiting or thinking about death, because that's something I personally don't really think about. The waiting that really bothers me is the waiting to tell someone, anyone, you're true thoughts and opinions until they're gone. Facebook is probably the biggest culprit of allowing this to happen, for when someone dies you know it the instant it overtakes your newsfeed with people clambering to get their last words in and that is what bothers me. Why do people have to wait and post their memories and words to the deceased through Facebook. Sure, most people will argue, it's the thought that counts but the fact of the matter is, posting something on Facebook is not a thought, it's an afterthought. If the person really meant something to you at any point throughout their existence then you should have acknowledged it while they were living. If it wasn't worth saying to them personally, and when you were thinking it, then its not worth saying to them period. Time is not a guarantee, we never know how long we will be here for so why do we hold back saying what's on our minds? For a long time, I will admit that I didn't always tell people how I felt but, I realized that we're living and what good is living if you never speak what's on your mind. That's why I called my best friend on thanksgiving, it sounds corny but you know what, it really is important to let those you care about know it because the clock just keeps ticking. So, my question to you is, Why wait?

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