Monday, October 10, 2011


It's amazing to see someone in their element, not trying to please anyone but themselves. Take your talents and run with them. The persona of an individual fully embodied in their true self is the most inspiring thing a person alone has to offer. Why don't people recognize what makes them unique and embrace it? Inspiration can come from the smallest things but make a huge impact. Even something such as music, film, photography, or writing can change a person. The emotions and ideas expressed through so many of these mediums is infinite. Tonight, I had the opportunity to see my friend completely absorbed in his music. His fingers glided along the keyboard with a mind of there own. I couldn't believe how effortless the beauty of his music seemed but more importantly, the purity and depth of emotion that not only became his music but overtook him as he played. Beauty can be found at the most unexpected times and places, take in these moments. While sometimes rare, the opportunity of seeing into a persons most genuine form can teach us the most.


  1. claire you are so smart! i love you! and i like ur thing about open minded people at the top, after all and open mind is a happy mind:)
